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全球優才雇主擔保計劃 (GTES)

全球優才雇主擔保計劃 (GTES)允許澳洲企業擔保海外員工。該員工必須擁有罕見的高技術,且符合下列條件:

  • 不能被澳洲員工取代
  • 不能透過其他標準簽證計劃申請入境,特別是短期及中期的臨時技術短缺 (TSS) 簽證

GTES屬於為期四年的臨時技術短缺 (TSS) 簽證,為申請人提供途徑獲取永久居留權。


  • 為澳洲人創造就業
  • 將自身技術或知識傳遞予澳洲員工


  • 獲認證的僱主能夠直接聘請高技術職位,即使該職位並沒有列在短期或中期TSS簽證之職業清單內。
  • 分為兩個分類- 已成立的企業及初創企業
  • 相較於標準TSS類別,申請人的收入門檻較高
  • 可與相關部門商討申請永久居留之年齡限制
  • 澳洲政府優先處理GTES協定之申請




  • 每年最多申請20個職位 (每個申請必需符合申請人及職位條件)
  • 在若干簽證條件上提供彈性,包括為期4年的TSS簽證
  • 可用作過渡階段,居澳三年後,即可申請永久居留權,亦可用作寛減年齡上限
  • 此協定的申請程序更簡單,處理更快捷
  • 如職位受終止,簽證持有人將有60天時間尋找新的擔保人,申請新的簽證,或離開澳洲



初創企業若以技術為主,或屬理工界別 (STEM – 科學、技術、工程、數學) ,即合資格申請此類別。


  • 每年最多申請5個職位 (每個申請必需符合申請人及職位條件)
  • 在若干簽證條件上提供彈性,包括為期4年的TSS簽證
  • 可用作過渡階段,居澳三年後,即可申請永久居留權,亦可用作寛減年齡上限
  • 如職位受終止,簽證持有人將有60天時間尋找新的擔保人,申請新的簽證,或離開澳洲


Book 30 Minute Visa Assessment

We are here to help you navigate the complexities of the Australian Visa process.  Please use the contact form to get in touch with your question. If you are ready to start the process click the Make An Appointment button and book free initial assessment with an Australian migration specialist.

Do you qualify for an Australian Visa?

Book a Free 15-Minute Assessment call with an experienced Australian Migration specialist to understand your options. 

Our three-stage approach simplifies onboarding

Every migration case is unique and our onboarding process makes it easy for you to decide the right next steps and avoid costly mistakes. It all starts with a free 15 minute assessment call, where we understand more about your case and talk about how our services may help you.

Clients can then choose to proceed to a formal consultation meeting where we understand your history and needs in relation to a visa. This allows us to prepare a full plan of work with costings. This meeting is a fixed price of HK$2000 and by the conclusion, we should be able to give you an estimate of how much work will be involved in your immigration case. We will then provide you with our Costs Agreement in a fixed price, to be invoiced in stages and only after work is completed. There are no up-front fees.

If you agree with the work plan and costings, you sign the agreement and we start work on your case.

Lucas Australian Migration helps clients in Hong Kong prepare and apply for Australian Visas, and manage migration issues.

30-Minute Assessment

In our initial consultation we will hear about your history and needs in relation to your matter. We can provide advice regarding your options and provide you an approximate cost estimate. The information we gather will inform your full work plan.

Initial Consultation Price HK$1,500
(per 30 minutes).

Work Plan Delivered

We will then get to work preparing your work and costings plan. This will tell you how much the preparation of your application will cost. In most cases this will be a fixed fee, payable by installments throughout the process

Full Pricing outlined in Work Plan

Work starts with signed agreement

Read through the work plan and costings plan. If you’re happy with the approach and the fees, you sign the agreement. Once the agreement is received we start work on your application.

Work starts once agreement returned

Lucas Migration Ltd, trading as Lucas Australian Migration Consulting

Registered Business Address:
Unit 706, 7/F, Tower 2, South Seas Centre,
75 Mody Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong SAR.

Registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), Registration Number 9501008

MARA Code of Conduct

© 2025 Lucas Migration Ltd.