
個案大都劃一收費,令客户能夠把握開支預算。 整個簽證申請流程中,所有費用只會在每一階段完成後才會正式發票,令客户能夠清楚預算,亦確保客戶在看見成果後才需付款。

Lucas澳洲移民將會以友善、靈活的方法,按閣下需要,提供最多 (或最少)指引。



Book a 30-minute visa assessment

We are happy to help clients navigate the complex process of Australian visas and immigration. Feel free to fill out the contact form, ask your questions and let us get to know each other. If you are ready for the whole process, click on the “Book Now” button to make an appointment to meet with an Australian immigration consultant.


Do you qualify for an Australian Visa?

Book 30 Minute Consultation with an experienced Australian Migration consultant to understand your options.  We can advise you on your options and create an individual work and pricing plan.

Lucas Migration Ltd, trading as Lucas Australian Migration Consulting

Registered Business Address:
Unit 706, 7/F, Tower 2, South Seas Centre,
75 Mody Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong SAR.

Registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), Registration Number 9501008

MARA Code of Conduct

© 2025 Lucas Migration Ltd.